Black Currant and Cassis Noir: Back for a Limited Time!

Butler Winery is happy to announce that we have bottled our famous Black Currant table wine and Cassis Noir port style wine! Both of these wonderful wines are made from Indiana grown black currants.

Butler Winery’s Black Currant wine is a perfect compliment to the Thanksgiving holiday. This sweet yet tart wine is unlike any other. With evergreen aromatics and a wild and unique flavor, this delightful wine is sure to be the talk of the table.

The rare and elusive Cassis Noir is back for a limited time. With a very limited quantity, supplies won’t last very long. Made from the extract of our Black Currant wine, combined with high proof grape brandy, the Cassis Noir port style wine is the ultimate guilty pleasure. For a special occasion, try a Kir Royale with a little Cassis Noir with your champagne.

These rare wines make excellent pairings for the upcoming holiday season. Get your Black Currant wine today before we run out, we have a very limited quantity of the Cassis Noir